Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Baby + Camera= Pictures!

Nothing like having a new subject to inspire the photographer in you. When my oldest was a babe, you would snap a roll of film off, knowing that you had a prize-winning photo. Then be disappointed when after developing, you had 24 blurry pics. lol

I love my digital camera! I can get rid of those "bad" pics instantly with a push of a button. My digital also lets me be artistic. I am fascinated by my childrens hands & feet. I adore taking pics of baby toes! lol I love the innocence that the camera captures of my little ones. Especially the newborn stage.
What inspires you?
Someone has hacked into the itunes account, that I have not been on in months. Oh, and they charged over $200 thru my checking account & paypal account. Can you tell how happy I am about this? grrrr. I managed to get a hold of paypal to find out I would need to have Itunes release my funds back to me. Why am I thinking I will be getting the run around on who owes me this money? Double grrrrr.
I don't get hackers. We aren't rich. Hell, I doubt we would rven qualify for middle-class. We struggle paycheck to paycheck. Something like this really screws our family life up.
I want to send a big thank you, to whomever bought stuff from my account (not that I can tell what you bought, as you thoughtfully changed my password & account name too). I Fully believe in Karma, so if I were you, I would definately be looking over my shoulder!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A New Start

Since our family number has changed this last week, from 5 kids to 6, I've decided to start a new blog. And what better way to kick it off, but to introduce our beautiful new princess, Emma Mae Gail Capel. She arrived 3 days before her due date, on April 7th at 6:05am. Right in the middle of all the boys, Emma weighed in at 8 pounds & 5 ounces, and was 19 and a half inches long. Exactly, wonderfully, perfect!
I started having contractions about 10pm Tuesday night, so I called mom to let her know. And to reassure her that we had some time. lol Matt arrived home, and mom picked us both up. We got to the hospital around Midnite. They checked me in, found out I was 5 cm dilated, so they got me set up in a delivery room. Hooked me up with an epidural. Yay! lol The only bad thing is that it was a REALLY good epidural- couldn't even feel my legs at all. Mom & our nurse had to physically move my legs for me. The good thing is that Emma just kind of slid out. No pushing really necessary.
4 hours after having my baby girl, they had to gurney me upstairs to my room. Yep, my legs were STILL numb 4 hours later. The new Womans & Childrens Center at Roseville Kaiser was really nice, nurses were hit or miss ( some wonderfully great & others just eh), food sucked bigtime. But I LOVED having my private room. You really didn't hear anyone else, so it made it seem like you were at home......without the distractions.......with nurses coming in every so often.
Emma is almost one week old now. And we are starting to settle in a routine. Now if I can just get Joshua to leave Emma's stuff alone. lol
It's actually nice being home. I take real satisfaction in making dinner, getting homework done, entering my sweeps, and keeping Emma fed. I am the ultimate multi-tasker! :) I don't know what will happen when it is time for me to go back to work. Hopefully I can take the rest of the summer off to enjoy my kids.