Thursday, May 6, 2010

Summer is a comin' & a Good Deal Alert

I love alot of things about late Spring/Summer. BBQing & swimming at my parents house with the kids, playing at the park with the kids, blockbuster movies at the drive-in. But one of my most favoritist (yes, that is a word. Honest.) thing is the fresh fruit. I LOVE me some fresh fruit! Especially Watermelon & Cantaloupe. You can find these things most of the year, but unless you are super rich & just don't look at price tags, (which I'm not), most people don't want to shell out $10 for 3 teeny tiny pieces of cut watermelon.

This leads into my Good Deal Alert for this week. If you have a Raley's or a Belair grocery store near you, you can pick up a container of stawberries for $1.49 a piece. Normally these run $3.99, so this is a great price for your strawberry shortcakes or choc dipped strawberries. Last week they had a wonderful deal on those infamous watermelons- $2.97 a piece. I still have a huge one taking up most of a shelf in my fridge. My kids most certainly inherited my love of fruit. I usually have to cut up a bit extra, as they sneak a few pieces. lol Remember, the strawberries will only be on sale until next Tuesday, the 11th. So go stock up!I definately will be checking my store ads every Tuesday for the next good deal.